Download Library Love Story module

Instructions: Click here to watch video instructions of downloading the blurb module and uploading it to your website Right click on the “Library Love Story” .json file link below and select “Save As.” Library Love Story .json file download...
Summer STEAM Camp

Summer STEAM Camp

Download a form and register now for the Blue Pine Library’s 3rd annual middle school Summer STEAM Camp! Registrations are due March 31, 2024. Space is limited to 15 students ages 10 – 14. Summer Steam Camp will be held at the Blue Pine Middle School Fab Lab...
Knit Night 4-6pm

Knit Night 4-6pm

Drop into the library’s reading room on the first and third Thursdays to join knitters in an informal setting anytime between 4 and 6 pm.  Bring a project to work on, start a new project or get ideas and help with a current project.