
Click here to watch video instructions of downloading the blurb module and uploading it to your website

  1. Right click on the “Library Love Story” .json file link below and select “Save As.”
    Library Love Story .json file download
  2. Save the file to a convenient location, such as “Downloads.”

  3. Navigate to your website homepage, and open the webpage editor. Select “Add New Module”Screen shot of add new module prompt in divi builder

  4. In the “Insert Module” dialogue box, select “Add From Library.”
    Screenshot of inserting a new module using the add from library option

  5. Select the “import file” (up/down arrows) option on the righthand side.
    screenshot of adding file to library using the import file option in the divi builder

  6.  In the Import File dialogue, select the “choose from files” option.

  7. Select the “Library Love Story” file from the Downloads (or other saved location) on your computer.

  8. Click “Import Module.”

  9. Save your work and publish your page! Wait for the stories to roll in.